well school ain't gonna be so bad.......when you start the FRESHMAN HUUNT!!!!!!!!!
kenny6 says: mellow marianne mischievously moves muffins :3
Age 33, Female
Jerk University
Joined on 12/5/07
well school ain't gonna be so bad.......when you start the FRESHMAN HUUNT!!!!!!!!!
Haha exactly. Except at our school on the first day all the senior girls stand outsde the school and scare the freshmen by blowing whistles haha
and then of course, there's the classic freshmen friday where seniors beat up the freshmen haha I love our whacky school :D
Ninja Academy ftw.
yes...Jerk University is hilarious
yea, all we eat there is beef jerky.
haha, NO. don't actually laugh.
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Fuck yeah ^.^
To adair: You know their not dark, nobody just cares to look it trough. They just think, hey a ninja is a japanease guy who dresses in black and assasinate people, AND THAT PISSES ME OFF! :P Yeah cuz im a ninja, google it, Ninjutsu. Im going to the leader of Toshindo, Steven Hayes the An-shu's first (i think oO) lectures in denmark. And i dont run around killing people. I have a perfectly normal life, i just take the buss to some self defense lections once in awhile... sry iwe been laying in bed for 2 days now, i threw up this morning and IM REALLY CRANKY! -.-
YEA! You're a ninja. and a normal life.
and you take the bus. woohoo
I'm kinda cranky too, don't worry about it.
you leave the best comments :)
haha thankss :)
that is pretty sweet that you live in paris, still.
can't get over it haha
You see my Video?
yup, it was quite... interesting.
i hate school as well
yeah, school sucks.
what if there is a jerk university? there's a hell, california.....
I am 100% sure there is no jerk university.
don't worry, I already looked it up.
because if there was a jerk university, that would be the only school I would apply to.
Look This
Cool beans.
yes, i am equally tired.
what about a school that has jerk as an acronym?
that's a good idea, i think i will find one asap and let you know.
but i doubt that it exists.
Good nighzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sweet dreams :)
Ask me more questions.
If only all schools had beef jerky, then morbid childhood obesity would drasticly decrease, god school cafaterias suck ^.^
I agree completely.
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my school starts in Monday and i am here writing this comment and what should i do...prepare??....study??... i should KILL MYSELF
I think you should buy a backpack and fill it with folders and notebooks.
binders suck.
Good for you Lady
Why thank you :)