View Profile marianne13
kenny6 says: mellow marianne mischievously moves muffins :3

Age 33, Female


Jerk University


Joined on 12/5/07

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Copycat!! =/

Seriously though, I'm glad we can still talk on msn


I like copying people and
and msn is awesome.



keh keh keh, well i felt that i should return the favor of rambling on mindlessly about epics and life and stuff! : D kkk here i go, lol so that's what you've been doing all this time? hahaha, and all this time i thought that you were trying to hax me and junk XD hahahaha, although it is possible O.o i've seen your posts! yeah...don't think i don't know stuff about you :P....well i still don't but i still know stuff! lol even if you did hax me though you wouldn't have gotten anything << haha i'm so paranoid : P i even put false information on my comp program stuff things ><, EXCEPT the only thing that i don't lie on is my name.....well okay my name sometimes << BUT i promise you that my real 2/3 of my name is KENNY NAVA.....lol i can tell you my middle name now but i don't feel like it : P, maybe later on in the comment box thing when it reaches five thousand or something.....that is if i remember though....hmm.what to do, what to do, OH! lol you know all the time that i spent reading your little comment i kept imagining you talking in a valley girl voice XD using such words as OMG BEACKY, AND CUTE and BUBBLE GUM, and STICKERS AND TROPHIES AND PHOTOS ON MYSPACE DOT COME XD.....hahahaha it was hilarious XP....perhaps it was the lack of commas and periods <<......oh crap....now i'm imagining myself doing it >< CRAP, this is not epic.....dammit i can't stop! grah, that voice is burned into my mind! okkk, i'm gonna stop right.......now!...now?......now dammit!....fuck, i'm argueing with myself and losing ><......fuck that is pathetic now is it? *sigh* i guess i should accept it <<.....*gasp* wow : O look at all of that that i have written! it's epic....and there's still like six thousand more stuff to go....damn >< well anyways....do you really think i would sound british to you? seriously! take in all of those conversations we have had and the words i have used and all the dialogue and imagaine <<......would i sound british?....lol that is really trippy : P.....a british sounding mexican XD, it's crazy! and maybe a little epic <<...lol...as if my paleness as a mexican didn't cuz enough confusion ><, lol i'm whiter than most of my white friends XD, i say that is.....wierd....heheh...AND...when i was younger i was actually born with blonde hair and grey eyes <<......scary....i was liek the whitest mexican ever XD *gasp* : O......maybe i was adopted! YES ! that is the only explanation possible! hmmm...i wonder who my real parents could have been <<........or maybe i'm just being all paranoid and schizophrenic and what not liek i usually am : D, lol, here's something you might not have known or guessed about me., lol i think i have ADHD or something ><, really, like all throughout this time spent typing you this comment i've been getting up and out of my chair every few minutes or so and just pace around the room, do some random sit ups or just walk around the house for no apparent reason, crap! i just did it again ><..gah! i can't stop , it's like a tic ...well, it's that five thousand point mark thing, meaning it's time that you learnt my whole name! : D yah! woo! epic! kkk, well anyways my fully name would be Kenny Angel Nava.....yeah....real mexican no? hahahaha! but don't try to find me on the internets cuz apparently i don't exist : P lol i've tried....all i came out with were some middle aged guys who happened to be friends with A LOT of girls : P...lol just like me! : D seriously like over half of my friends are girls : P no, no more than half....like...four fifths? yeah.....they love me ^^ and yet i don't have a girlfriend <<....lol every girl i meet either have scary parents, hates mexicans, are gay, just want to be friends, or are bookworms....lol....anyways..wth was i talking about again? i forgot.....oh well, HEY here's another fun fact! i NEVER EVER EVER FORNEVER intentionally sleep on my back.....yep..i hate sleeping on my back ><, everytime i do, end up getting some sort of screamer nightmare where everything is all just nice and epic until all of a sudden BOBOBO$#@%@$%$#@, i wake up all not epic and scared shitless >< like this one dream i had, i was in this super cool fancy NOT GAY mall of futuricity when all of a sudden ARNOLD SWARCHENEGGER comes out and tackles people in the escalater with his cool sunglasses and accenty goodness, heading for the room with a toilet : O and no he didn't want to use the little girls room he went for some sort of awesome james bondesque secret mission file that was for osme reason hidden in the bathroom with a conveniantly placed plasma tv on the door : P kkkk so then we both looked at it then %@#%$@%$%@$#%@, i woke up.....or did i? well i sorta just layed there not being able to move with this piercing scream making me go deaf and stabbing sensation in my chest >< then after trying to wake up i woke up.....but nothing really changed D: the only thing different was that the pain and screaming stopped : O lol i think i get hypnogogic dreams when i fall asleep on my back : P, its all wierd and unconstitutional.....kkk well what else is there to say? hmhmhmhm..OH you should check out the song wolf boy! by the phibes or something like that...oh well, you'll figure it out on youtube <<...but yeah you should check it out it's EPIC! there's some nudity (none that you would like though.....maybe) and violence : D. lol violence and nudity always seem to go together....along with action and suspence! and guns....and drugs : P lol it's like all of the sins can't live without being together in one big happy joyous moral family of damnable proportions : D hm oh would you look at that two thousand already! well it seems that i am getting ever so closer to defeating your little spam challenge! hahahha! hmmm...would you even bother to read all of this though? lol i can't imagine you wasting your time reading my little comment about life and stuff....but oh well i don't care : D, i'm not really much of an attention whore.....or am i? :O......i dunno <<...oh god that would really suck if my comp malfunctioned on me now >< i am so close to beating you! ok ok ok i have to type faster! faster slave! cool that naggy little valley girl voice is out of my head and being replaced by a MANLY ONE : P oh shit! one thousand almost there! kkk um...lol last week was the best week of my life : D, lol like everyday was literally about raping this and raping that and child molestors and pedophiles and necrophiliacs <<....lol it was crazy XD hahaha we can be so immature sometimes : P OH and friday was pretty fucking awesome too! me and ten of my friends all got together to play this game that we've been playing since like the fourth grade that's a little like tag but it isn't.....DON'T SUE ME!.k so it's called creatures and it's a little game where one person is it and they have to go around and rape people for ten seconds, then the rapee will have to help the rapist rape the remaining people : D the game is over when all people have been successfully raped : D hahaha it was so much fun XD i was rapped five times! woo! three times on the road and twice near the trash cans, but it's okay, cuz it was one of the girls : P, lol and i got to rape her back too heheheh....and a guy BUT I'M STILL NOT GAY! rape is only gay if you enjoy it....well maybe i did a little << but it was a part of the game SO IT'S PERFECTLY STRAIGHT! lol and then after our little rape fest we went into the clubhouse and drank some deliciously drugged tap water and talked about the ghost in the pool, yeah there's a ghost apparently in the pool of our little trailer park that was seen shoving chairs into the pool and swirling them all around like a toilet : O yeah...it was epic XP but then i had to leave early cuz my sister needed help with her homework <<...oh well.next friday will be as aweseome : D and maybe we can get more people to join! like laura and danika and alex and yehtzo and seth and jt and gilbert and lexi and angel and roman and me and katherine and BB and daniel and aja and a whole bunch of other people whose names escape me right now : P yeah...and hey what do you mean that i would be the last person to spam too?! oh shit i ran out KTHXBYE! EPIC

hahahahahaa i love you, i just read ALL of that btw.
Every single word.

Y!!! Y!!! Y are u leaving us....why!!!

I just had to do it! D: haha

NOOO D: DUN LEAVE I found my camera D:

cameras are fun =D

Marianne zegt:
Hehe what's up
-=Nick=- zegt:
I'm being stalked, how about you?
Marianne zegt:
Not being stalked =p
-=Nick=- zegt:
Marianne zegt:
Except by my best friend haha
-=Nick=- zegt:
me? ;)
Marianne zegt:
well are you stalking me
Haha ;p
-=Nick=- zegt:
yes =b
I know where you live
what your favourite colour and food is
Marianne zegt:
well then this hot guy is stalking me.. I don't got a problem with it though ;p
-=Nick=- zegt:
hahahaha ;)
and I'm getting stalked by this girl and I'm stalking a hot girl myself
Marianne zegt:
haha :P
-=Nick=- zegt:
what does that make the girl O_O
a stalker of a stalker
like a superstalker :o
Marianne zegt:
-=Nick=- zegt:
but what would a stalker of a superstalker be then?
World domination
wow, everthing is becoming so clear right now
Marianne zegt:
World Domation :D

This is so Epic, I had to post it! =b

Hahaha =)

Bye T_-


wow :o u'r SO hot!
does u leaving here mean i won't be able to drop in and say hi anymore?
i just met u but i don't wanna stop talking to u :(

hahah thanks ;) and you can still leave comments, i'll reply back.. eventually. ;P


hehehehe whatt?

I watcheded it.

WHYYYYYYY...... OH GOD...... why oh why....... Goood.....whayyyy????

btw a very hot img of yours...... wanna cyber

WHYYYYYYy oh WHYyyyyyyyyy
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO /dies with a tear in his eye/ x>

hahahaha =)